Friday, January 18, 2008

What is the problem with the people in Florida? They always drive in the passing line like it is the travel line. I understand that the speed limit is posted. But, I don't understand why so many drivers use this lane as there personal line to go the speed they feel is the best speed for them. I drive about 350 miles a day around the state. It is a real problem. The state troopers do nothing about it. Because, they do it as well. I guess they feel that they can do what they want and they may also think that it's a rolling road block. That's what they called it out west. That is where my wife and I are from. I moved here for my job and it has been just the the pits. Know matter were you drive in this wonderful state.(ha ha) Old and Young alike the passing lane is just another lane to drive in. I guess people didn't read the drivers manual or forgot what it states. It reads that the left head lane is for passing only. Once the pass is made MOVE TO THE RIGHT.

1 comment:

David and Brooke Gallagher said...

So glad to see you guys have a blog! We will now be able to see all the many things that you guys are up yo these days! Can't wait to see some pics of Florida!